Mental Wellness Challenge – 2021, June 25

Mental Wellness Challenge – 2021, June 25 I haven’t posted in a few weeks.  I’ve been unwell – physically unwell...  Certainly, being yucky physically impacts my mental wellness… Simply – I was not feeling well enough to sit down, think my way through a post and then put it together… I’m certainly glad I am feeling better the past couple of days… its been a tough row to hoe....

Mental Wellness Challenge – 2021, June 04

Mental Wellness Challenge This week my challenge is: Eat a meal of something that you wouldn’t normally eat. Make an intentional decision to step outside your “ordinary”. Pick a warm day. Go outside. Take off your shoes.  Wiggle your toes in the grass.  Connect with the earth.. feel the grass on your feet, feel it tickle your toes… enjoy this really simple means of grounding yourself to...