Mental Wellness Challenge – 2021, May 28

Mental Wellness Challenge – 2021, May 28 Well… I hope that last month or so was just a frame narrative or story within a story rather than the chorus to a really bad song… I certainly do not want to go through the poo that I experienced over this last little while ever again – or at least – any time real soon again… I hope my experience over the past month has had it’s climax –...

Mental Wellness Challenge – 2021, May 14

Mental Wellness Challenge – 2021, May 14 Middle of May already… time is just flying by for me… seems like just yesterday I was blogging and that was a week ago… busy I suppose… Last week my challenge was to: Spin the clock back a bunch of years. Think back to a day – a long time past – that you were super happy.  Think back to the events of the day.  What was the reason you were...

Mental Wellness Challenge – 2021, May 07

Mental Wellness Challenge – 2021, May 07 May already… This past week has been Mental Health Week.  The theme was “Name It”.  Name what you are feeling.  I often BLOG about this idea – and I hope that you were able to participate, in some way, in thinking about, talking about and sharing the need for Mental Health Awareness in your circle. Last week I challenged you to: Read something...