2019, September 26

Mental Wellness Challenge   September 26, 2019   Recapping from two weeks ago (I was away on leave last week), my want for you would be that you were able to really connect with your “feelings”, your emotions, during my challenge and that you put some time aside each day to reflect on how your actions might influence the way someone else feels.   Personally, I have a...

2019, September 12

Mental Wellness Challenge September 12, 2019 Tears of joy. Tears of sadness. Tears of anger. Tears of loneliness. Tears of shame. Tears of futility. Tears of gratitude. Tears of fear. Tears of surprise. Tears of hopelessness. Tears of wonder. Tears of pity. Tears of loss. Tears of frustration. Tears of being lost. Tears of heartbreak. Tears of happiness. Tears of worry. Tears of exasperation....

2019, September 05

Mental Wellness Challenge Grounding and gratitude!   Hi, its time to get started with some mental wellness challenges again.   I’d like to start off with some grounding stuff. Then I’ll get into a challenge.   I often use a technique called the “5 4 3 2 1 Technique” that helps me to ground myself and get my head to a place where it’s not racing, busy, or hectic. I deal...